in english

Symlinks for multi-repos


Tired of having repeated files across many projects? Know more about symlinks - files that point to other files.... Read More

Modern image formats: JXL and AVIF


Meet the next generation image formats, with superior graphics and reduced size in bytes.... Read More

HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 explained


Understand better how HTTP works in each version.... Read More

Pipelines for .NET


Learn how to make a pipeline for your .NET program or library, with GitHub Actions examples.... Read More

Introduction to functional programming


Come learn more about functional programming and in which situations it can help you.... Read More

Asynchronous architecture without queues


Meet cheaper and more pratical alternatives to dedicated queues.... Read More

Shiki and Mermaid in 11ty


See how to integrate Shiki to your 11ty project, with support for Mermaid diagrams.... Read More